Atlanta Braves - MLB vs Baltimore Orioles
Event Feedback
Donated by:
Atlanta Braves
We had a great time at the Braves last spring training game! Thank you for the ticket donation and supporting veterans!

Michael, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1987 - 2009

Donated by:
Atlanta Braves
Thank you for donating the tickets. We enjoyed the game.

Michael, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1989 - 2009

Donated by:
Atlanta Braves
A big thank you to Vet Tix and the donors that make this possible!

millard, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1991 - 1996

Donated by:
Atlanta Braves
Thank you very much for the spring training tickets. We had a wonderful afternoon in Venice. The stadium is amazing !!!!!

Paul and Kelly, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Atlanta Braves
Thank you Atlanta Braves. Got to see a great game with great people. Will definitely be back next year.

RLR, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1977 - 1983

Donated by:
Atlanta Braves
What a lovely afternoon for my family to catch the final game of the season! We were even apart of the world record beach ball bounce!! It was so crazy we misplaced our Vet Tix sign in the process. We did make connections with other vets in our section. Thanks so much!

Ryan, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2001 - 2015

Donated by:
Atlanta Braves
What a wonderful gesture by the Braves for a great day at the ballpark! Such a fun experience for my wife and I. Great fun! Thank you Atlanta Braves CoolToday park is awesome!

Vincent, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1987 - 2015

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