2025 WM Phoenix Open
Event Feedback
Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
What an incredible event, well organized by the PGA, Waste Management and USO. Thank you for the opportunity to see and enjoy this event.

Bernard, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1981 - 2003

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank You! The Thinderbirds and WM Phoenix Open provided an unforgettable experience by providing access to such a premiere event. Again, thank you for your donation and contributions to Veterans! This experience has inspired me to play golf and hopefully that will assist with my PTSD.

Bernard, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1993 - 2013

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you so much! Have a great time with my wife and friends every day!

Brandon, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
2014 - 2020

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Wow, what a party scene. Thank you so much for providing these wonderful opportunities to enjoy events like the waste Management Open.

Brandon, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1987 - 2002

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open for my first Phoenix Open!

Brandon, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1999 - 2005

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you so much for your generosity in providing tickets to the WM Phoenix Open. Without your support we would be unable to attend this family friendly event.

Bre, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1984 - 2005

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Was a great time, was my first time attending and if it wasn't for vettix i probably wouldn't have gone...... So thank you very much.

Brendon, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you Thunderbirds. I love going to this event. It is always a good time.

Brian, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1983 - 1986

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Just wanted to say a huge thank you for the tickets to the Phoenix Open! The event was amazing, and I had a fantastic time. Your generosity is much appreciated!

Brian, U.S. Marine Corps (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you for the tickets, had a great time. Vettix does great work and thank you to all who donate so veterans have the opportunity to attend events they may not normally be able to attend.

Brian, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1988 - 1996

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
I would like to sincerely thank the Thunderbirds, WM Phoenix Open and of course Vet Tix, for making this memorable occasion possible for my wife and I. It may be the last event of this kind which I am physically able to attend. The staff/volunteers were great, food was good and atmosphere was electrifying. It's comforting to know that my 22 years of Army Service has not gone unrecognized. On behalf of my fellow veterans, I salute you.

bruce, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1974 - 1994

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
What a fantastic event and experience! Thank you @THETHUNDERBIRDS and @WMPHOENIXOPEN for your generosity! It was so fun celebrating Green Out Day at the WM! We loved every moment!!

Bryan, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1985 - 1989

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
A big shout out and thank you to The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open! My brother and I had an amazing time at the Open on Saturday! It was my first time ever going and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect! We also really enjoyed the Patriots Outpost tent just for veterans! We truly appreciate the generosity you have shown to me as well as my fellow veterans!

Bryant, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1991 - 1994

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you to the Thunderbirds for providing not only me but other vets the opportunity to attend such a great event. I had an absolute fantastic time and plan on attending again in the future.

Burton, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1988 - 1992

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
I had a great time attending the Phoenix Open. It was fanatic to spend time in the Patriot Tent. Got a chance to meet some other Vets.

Byron, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1983 - 2003

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