Washington Football Team vs. Seattle Seahawks - NFL
Event Feedback

Donated by:
Washington Commanders
Dear Washington Football Team - NFL, Thanks so much for the great tickets! I've never been so close to the field. I was able to bring relatives and a friend to this unique experience. We all had a great time and are so appreciative of your generosity! I've never been able to afford an outing such as this, so it truly was a great donation from you. Makes me proud to know you support us in the Military. Thanks again.

John, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1987 - 1992

Donated by:
Washington Commanders
It's cold, but I'm cool. Hanging with the boys. Rooting for the Seahawks! Thanks to VetTix.org #vettix for allowing a former Marine, former Law Enforcement, and former Navy Gunner to experience a cold but fun night of Monday Night Football. These two WFT fans I invited caused my Seahawks to lose by 2, but they made up for it. Thanks guys!

John D. (GMG2), U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1990 - 1995

(Displaying results 121 through 135 of 282)