Washington Football Team vs. Seattle Seahawks - NFL
Event Feedback
Donated by:
Washington Commanders
Vet Tix, Thank you for the amazing tickets but more importantly the life long memory. My son is a Senior in HS this year and we wanted to do an NFL game before he heads off to college next year and moves on with the rest of his life. We were so happy when Vet Tix offered this game, because my son is a Washington fan and I wanted that last sporting event while he was living at home. We loved the game despite the temps.

Bradford, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Washington Commanders
Thank you so much for the tickets to the WFT game! My daughter and I enjoyed an amazing win on Monday Night Football! With all the COVID consequences the last 18 months, it was a rare gift to spend quality time at the stadium watching our favorite team. It was a memory of a lifetime. Thank you.

Bryan, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Washington Commanders
Thank you so much VetTix and to the Washington Football Team! I had an awesome time at the game Monday night and it definitely was a thrilling victory for the WFT! The seats were incredible and your generosity was very much appreciated! ~JAC

CalerJA, U.S. Coast Guard (Veteran)
1992 - 2016

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